Monday, August 16, 2010

Where to begin? It has been a whirlwind couple of weeks!

It has been a wild couple of weeks! As I mentioned, we were on holiday during the first week of August. We had a great time. I will include some photos at the bottom of this post.
The first two days were spent in Moncton. We visited with my family. My mom threw a little get-together where our friends and family could come by to meet Orin and visit with us. The rest of our time in Moncton was spent at Crystal Palace. We got a package that included the room, a family pass to the park, a bunch of food and movie passes. I wasn't sure how Isabel would feel about the rides in the amusement park, but I really hoped she would like some of the tamer ones at least. So I was surprised, to say the least, when she was an absolute dare-devil. She went on the kiddie rides over and over and over again - carousel, jumping star, submarine, rinse and repeat. She BEGGED to go on the roller coaster and swings. She sat to have her face painted for the first time. She played a few of the games in the arcade (though even they were a little beyond her). In short, she had an absolute blast. I was so pleased to see her have such a great time. For my part, I made sure to get a dip in the pool, a ride on the swings and a nightcap of a Starbucks' white mocha and a piece of peanut butter and chocolate encrusted cheesecake (mmm....diabetic coma). Dave ate lots of good food, had a nap or two and indulged in his own brand of nightcap (tea and cherry cheese cake). Orin was just along for the ride for the most part, but did seem to have fun hanging out with us.
After our amusement park adventure, it was off to Halifax for a few days. Here, we celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary with Dave's family, visited a good friend and her family - she has a daughter the same age as Isabel and twins the same age as Orin, shopped a little, took in a bit of the busker festival and relaxed a little.
On our way home, we stopped many times because Orin decided he was done with his car seat and chose to scream through large swaths of the drive. The good part about this is that we got to see Mastodon Ridge, which I have never been to, and stopped at the farm, where we chatted with Uncle Larry, whom I rarely see now and miss terribly. Despite the screaming, it was a nice trip.
What did I learn from traveling with a husband (who doesn't like to travel), a preschooler (who is coming into her own and demanding independence) and an infant (who specialises in his own brand of high-maintenance)? Leave the husband at home, bring another mom (and her kid(s)) with you and don't try to jam too much in (which tends to be the way I travel...I don't want to miss anything). Overall though, it was a great time and I am glad we did it.
Since then, it has been a mad dash to get the house and preparations ready for Isabel's party this past weekend. I think the party will get its own post, so that is all I will say here.
The other big news is that we had a tube-free day this past week. That is to say that Orin's tube came out accidentally in the middle of the night and rather than riling him up and waking Isabel, we thought we'd try not putting the tube back in and see how far he could make it. I suspected that, if he could take that middle of the night feed, I wouldn't have to put it in until bedtime and it turned out I was right. He drank all the water he needed until bedtime, when he was just too tired to drink, so in when the tube. I really can't say I was overly disappointed though - he's come so far that the small hump of a couple of feeds at night is nothing.
Alright, that is the brief version of our recent adventures. There will be more to come, including more reflective posts. For now, here are the pictures:

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