Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The day has finally come. We are making the switch...

to cloth diapers. I have talked about it since before Isabel was born, but was a little unsure of my ability to manage a cloth system and very unsure of Dave's willingness to use them. Well, our wee boy and Pampers have joined forces to leave us little choice.
Pampers introduced their "Dry Max" technology very recently. I thought little of this. Orin started getting bum rashes. Again, he is a baby and this happens, so I thought little of it. Then I came across some information on Facebook about the new Dry Max diapers causing chemical burns and serious rashes on baby's bottoms that made me wonder about this rash, that wouldn't clear up for longer than an afternoon and would flare up after only 1/2 an hour in any one diaper (thereby eliminating duration in dirty diaper as the culprit). The same day, Orin's wee bum broke into a rash so bad that it was raw and even bleeding a little :( This was the straw that broke the camel's back.
I had a small stash of cloth diapers in the house that I had purchased early in my pregnancy, thinking we might do cloth with this wee one, but had chickened out about when we found out he had NDI (I figured he'd soak them in no time). I got them out and started him in those and within a few hours the rash started to look better. I put him back in disposable for the night and the rash was back with a vengeance by the 3:30am feed/change. Proof was in the pudding (goodness, I am on a roll with the fun turns of phrase *lol*).
We did a few days in cloth and he hasn't made any terrible messes (i.e. leaking or soaking too fast), so we are going for it. I am sure some are asking why we don't just try another disposable and, honestly, for the night time, we will have to because no cloth diaper will be able to hold this boy's pee for longer than a few hours. That said, I hate the impact of disposables, both environmentally and to my pocket book. If cloth is going to work, I am excited to give it a go.
Our stash is still rather small, we have 6 pocket diapers, various inserts and a bunch of Chinese prefolds that I will be using as liners (I tried to use one as a diaper and he soaked it in 1/2 an hour....laughable). I bought 6 bamboo all-in-ones on Babysteals today and will keep my eye on kijiji for more. I will also be looking for accessories, but all in good time.
There, I've written it out, so I am committed and the whole internet can hold me to it ;)


  1. How goes it? Are you a convert yet?

  2. I don't have enough diapers to be 100% converted yet, but I use them as frequently as I can (I get through one day, wash them the next day...repeat). I just received my 6 bamboo ones in the mail yesterday, but I need to get more soap (I just had a small bit that was included in the stash I bought on kijiji) before I can wash and start using them. I also have 2 more coming this/next week, so hopefully by then, I will be able to do cloth all day.
