Sunday, May 15, 2011

Project 365 - May 9th-13th

We are going to take this week's pics a few steps at a time. The week was kind of quiet, but I've taken oodles of pics this weekend, so brace yourself for multiple posts.
Here are Monday through Friday's pictures:

On Monday, I had PD and Orin and I each had a doctor's appointment. Below is a summary of his measurements. We are SO pleased he is doing well at maintaining weight. Also, take note at where the discrepancy in proportions lies with this child as well....hats will never be popular in this house.

Orin has been making leaps and bounds in his communication lately. When the doctor asked on Monday if he is talking, he was impressed by my claim that Orin has 5-10 words. I wondered if I was exaggerating, so I've been counting them and I realised I actually underestimated. At last count, he regularly uses 12 words and 3 signs (he recently added "done" to this repertoire) and he learns new multiple new things daily now. It is amazing. Anyway, below, Isabel is teaching him an alternative meaning for "cheese".

On Wednesday, I had the absolute pleasure of seeing Bill Clinton speak. I really wasn't sure what I was in for and tried to keep my expectations low. Well, I am SO glad I went; I had a really great time and found him really inspiring.

Orin (don't worry...Isabel will show up has just been a big week for this guy) has been using soft-spouted sippy cups for a while now. We transitioned him relatively easily from bottles (which leaked like sieves) to these in order to keep his bed from getting so wet. Well, we've hit the same problem with these because he is damaging them by using them the way he does (biting) and I can't find the spouts ANYWHERE in a matter of fact, the stores that carry the bottles themselves are phasing them out. So we've realised we need to work on moving him to the hard-spouted sippies that we have around. He's been a bit stubborn about it, so the fact that he started using it on his own this week was a big deal. We are going to start phasing the hard sippies into daytime use over the next couple of weeks and hopefully take the leap to using them at night too in June. Wish us luck.

Friday was kijiji day! Well, one purchase was made Thursday night and then two were made on Friday. Here is the loot.

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